Save The Dogs
After stacks of charity research, we at Fleurs De'pargne will be donating 10% of earned profits to Soi Dog Foundation located in Thailand. We have chosen this foundation as their cause relates exactly to what we believe in. We have connected with Soi Dog Foundation about our business and our mutual interest to save dogs from the dog meat trade in Asia and they are happily accepting our support and donations.

"The tide is turning in Asia. A growing number of activists are relentlessly dedicating their lives to ending the torture and slaughter of man’s best friend. The younger generation are fanning the flames of hope. More dogs are being rescued and awareness is growing - but your support is needed, now more than ever.
Please join the fight against Asia’s dog meat trade. Soi Dog Foundation will never give up until we see it eradicated forever.
Each year in Asia, millions of dogs are snatched from the streets or stolen from their homes to be tortured and slaughtered for their meat. In South Korea, dogs are bred for consumption in shocking conditions on so-called “dog meat farms”. These dogs spend their entire lives in cages and are then killed in some of the most horrific ways possible.
Please donate now to end this barbaric practice.
A deep and bloody wound around Prince’s neck was testament to being left hanging for hours while still alive. He was rescued by volunteer activists while being transported to a slaughterhouse. Prince is a survivor of China’s sickeningly cruel Yulin dog meat festival.
The methods employed to kill these innocent dogs are unspeakably vicious. Dogs are routinely blow-torched or flung into vats of boiling water while still alive. They are clubbed or stabbed to death in front of other dogs, as it is believed the sheer terror the dog endures releases adrenaline making the meat taste better.
The dogs rescued by brave and passionate volunteers are usually so badly injured that many don’t survive. But some of them do. Prince is one of the lucky ones. Thanks to Soi Dog supporters, he was flown to the US where he now lives on a Californian ranch. Please watch the video of his rescue below."